Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas To all the NSRs

Here is the little green fairy, wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!


*Remember kids. Don't drink and ride else you will be faster than Sam Hill and more skill full than Danny. In hospital.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Royal Jerseys

Fit for Royalty.

Royal Jersey + Spacer Nuts

With some nuts.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Nose Bleed Section

This song makes all things smooth.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Something for Everyone

Since everyone seems down. Here is something to perk you all up. GOOSEFRABA!

Monday, November 30, 2009

30th november.

So, Simon Yilong and me went over to NSR bike shop last night,
fixed up Yilongs bike.
correction, TRIED to fix up yilongs bike.

at the end of the day,
the star nut got screwed, and the chain ring couldn't fit,
so he had to use simon's 32t chainring.

heres a few pics of them fixing up the bike.
i was fuckin lazy yesterday so i didn't help much...




Rad Mg pedals...

with a wrench and my right and a Bottle of beer in my left, i am, Ghetto mod king.

It's full house in the shop.



The glory, the mongoose, orange, Cooper, diablo,soul matador and last but not least,
The Mob.

this was brought to you buy Nsr indian guy productions.
bringing you the worst riding attire to be in.

and please pay for beer,
or else.....

He's gonna be pissed.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

29th November gangsa ride.

So yesterday we went for a ride,
met up at 3, but went into ulu sembawang at 4+.
and we geniuses were too smart, and we took the most efficient route in.
so, instead of reaching mandai in 5-10 mins, we took 1-2 hours.
well done guys, it was fun, but next time lets just go my way. Ave 2.
went to gangsa, and had fun,
but as always going home was a bitch...

However, Beer makes everything right again,
and thats we all did, drink beer, got lazy.
and i honestly wanted to ride home, but simon insisted that he sends us all back home,
so me and hongyi obliged. Joseph was just feeeling lazy.. he already wanted simon to send him home..
Geez, what a lazy fellla...

just kiddding,
thanks simon.

casualties for this ride:
Joseph. flat tyre.
Me myself. a bunch of scratches on my leg.
and i woke up this morning with my eye hurting like @#$%^&*!!!!!

so i stand up, look in the mirror and i went...

this was in my eye. it's on the delete button...
i know it's small, but just think of how you flinch even when your eye lash goes in your eye.

keep stoning aunties..

Saturday, November 28, 2009

My Hariraya Friday

The only mei mei I caught on camera that is worth looking at. 250mm zoom is too far for my naked eyes to determine the subject quality.
Only mei mei worth looking at

This little DH camp is eying my muddy mud pie at coffee club City Hall.
Aiming for my Muddy Mud Pie!

Lucky never order from CRC. Got from Diaso the magnetic bowl. The box below is for the beer money.
Magnetic Bowl

Fnnr 27th nov 09

AGENT(i forgot the frame name... orange is it?)
Yilong doing i don't know what.
Hongyi doing a 360 tail tap.
Our very own auntie Simon, showing us how it's done.

thats all folks...

brought to you by,
Nsr Bike.CO

and our sponsor,

gay lord industries,
if you gotta ride, do it gay.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Yew Tee Slack Ride

caught slacking
Of all part why the shag part
After race

Seriously Looks like Danny. I'm gonna get myself a xc helmet too.
Narin drop

Street Trials

For the few street riders left.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Somewhere, over the rainbows there is a berm with your name on it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Our Medal Winner!

The Medal!

The number that won the Medal!
medal and tag

The bike that won the Medal!

From left to right.
Yilong(Narin), Justin (Hongyi), Simon(Simon), Noris(Noris).
grp shot?

Yew Tee Race Pics

1st things first. Mei meis!!!!
Mei Meis of the day

The number of riders participating!

Thursday, November 19, 2009